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Virtual Production

"Neuromancer", a virtual production-based teaser trailer, was developed as part of my master's thesis at Bournemouth University. I scripted and directed the trailer, served as the technical artist for three different environments, and developed the technical workflow using only the university's available resources. This VP production utilized a green screen for real-time previews on the monitor, allowing adjustments to lighting and composition of the actor for the final scene. The project heavily utilized Lumen in UE5 to set up the virtual lighting on the environment and the same was then matched in the studio to integrate the actor. The final green screen footage was composited using Nuke with the rendered out CG background plate from UE5. For camera tracking, I used both a Meta Quest 2 VR headset and an iPhone for live tracking and storing the physical camera movement to the virtual camera in UE5.

The overall goal was to improve the process of lighting and shot composition during filming, providing the crew on set with a better reference for how the final VFX composite would look. Matching the camera position and lighting on set also makes compositing in post-production much easier, allowing us to create high-fidelity shots at a faster rate while being restricted to the available equipment.

Several behind-the-scenes images and clips depict the filming process and real-time preview from the camera to the system running Unreal Engine, easing the process of shot composition and matching lighting on the actor.

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